Furred Wheels
Rescue and Transport

"Big results require big ambitions"


We cannot simply spay and neuter our way out of pet overpopulation in the southern US.
We need to find a multitude of solutions to lower the number of pets being surrendered to southern shelters.

We are a group of dedicated people who believe in TNR, spay/neuter, and getting as many at risk cats out of shelters in the southern US and into rescues elsewhere in the country as possible.
We have a four pronged approach planned: TNR, Transport, Education, and Sanctuary. Furred Wheels Rescue is brand new, but we're comprised of individuals with more than 100 combined years in animal rescue, primarily with cats. We have certified vet techs, experienced transporters, experienced trappers, experienced bottle kitten feeders....in other words, we've gathered the best people we can find to save cats and other animals - and sometimes people too.


Stay tuned and come back for more information!!!

Trap - Neuter - Release/Relocate

Keep an eye on this page, more will be coming soon!


More information is coming soon, so please check back!

Looking for a working transport vehicle

We are in need of a large van, large SUV (think Ford Expedition), small school bus or shuttle bus that we can retrofit. If you have such a vehicle that you would like to sell or donate, please reach out. At the same time, we are looking for rescues to work with all over the US. If you are a rescue that would like to partner with us, please contact us!

Our Executive Director, Denise Painter, is working on getting her USDA certification for transporting animals interstate in the US.
donate image
We can't do this alone.

There are a number of ways you can help us. You can donate your working vehicle for our transport efforts. You can donate money via Paypal or Venmo using the links and buttons below. You can mail us a check. And you can volunteer to foster or drive transports for us!

PAYPAL: paypal.me/furredwheels
VENMO: @FurredWheels
CHECK: Make payable to Furred Wheels and mail to the address seen below.
QR CODE: Scan this QR Code to go directly to PayPal and donate there!

1085 Old Clemson Hwy Ste E119

Seneca, SC 29672


